Sunday, January 27, 2013

Brands Running Ads On Vine - Business Insider

Urban Outfitters was the first big brand to run an ad on Vine, as far as we can tell from searching Twitter and media coverage of the launch of Twitter's ingenious new 6-second video app.

Vine was unveiled by Twitter on Jan. 24. By 6.07 p.m., UO had tweeted this Vine video of a couple of dogs, along with the sarcastic comment, "The most important Vine you'll ever see."

Ironically, if it indeed turns out to be the case that UO was the very first advertiser to promote itself through Vine, then it will actually have been a very important Vine.

See the original here or here:


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Salvation in a Deck of Cards? ? Her War, Her Voice!

Could it be that technology is contributing to our isolation as military families and military members?

When I was in the Army (forever ago) cards played a huge role in our everyday interactions. We played cards in the field, on the weekends, during Sergeant?s Time, during our ?hurry up and wait? moments, or even during working hours because there was only so much parking lot to pick up. Seriously, I use to be able to play a mean game of Spades.

During these times my fellow soldiers, NCOs and officers were able to check up on me, see what was going on in my life, how I was adjusting, dissect my moods, and get a feel for my state of mind. As we moved into those positions, (me getting out and Dude continuing on) we would have his soldiers over, and their families. We got to know them by playing cards. We noticed who was not showing up, who might be having a hard time, and we would hear about what was going on with them.

The cards gave us on opportunity to let down some barriers and some walls. The cards were a gateway to feeling connected, and having a way to feel not so alone or separated from real people.

The cards allowed us to joke about each other, smile, hit each other?s arms, laugh, pout, and call names. The cards offered a litmus test of the state of mind of each person playing. They offered opportunity to open up real conversations, encouragement, or even just stress relief.

Then came the cell phones. Instead of wiping out a deck of cards in the slow waiting moments of the day, soldiers pulled out their phones checking messages, calling home, and playing games. Video games took over and closed off the conversation between plays and the dealing of cards. Everyone became engaged but not with each other.

Is it possible that that natural break from my home, family, and friends that allowed me to connect with people in my military life more closely, and to depend on them, to trust them, and to confide in them isn?t happening for today?s Soldiers and Military Families because technology doesn?t allow them to separate from who they use to be and become who they are? Could this be part of the issue revolving around the suicides, the isolation, and the loneliness?

Is it possible that shutting down some of our electronic connections would help alleviate or lessen these issues that are plaguing our military and their families? Could it be that cards, a slow paced game, or just a puzzle could open us up to real connections again?

I am not saying that this is the answer but it might not hurt.

We had soldiers over for the holidays and I was shocked at the lack of traditional game knowledge there was. We made them play. We taught them the basics of card edict (may have been some poking fun). We laughed. We heard stories of their families, their traditions, and how they use to see their parents playing cards (I know throws me into the old category). We got to know them. We got to know their looks of frustration, when they don?t understand something, and when they were plotting a move.

So, I gave away my card games, I sent them with soldiers that were drawn in by the need to just sit around a table with real people across from them and play. I hope they do play and often because maybe just maybe they could find their salvation in that deck of cards.

Tags: Christina Piper, communication, her war, her war her voice, military life


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Iraqi extremists try to harness opposition rage

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Iraqi insurgents are trying to capitalize on the rage of anti-government protesters and the instability caused by rising civil unrest, complicating the government's efforts to stamp out a resurgent al-Qaida and other insurgent groups.

Organizers of the protests attracting minority Iraqi Sunnis insist they have no links to terrorist groups. Yet Iraqi and U.S. officials have expressed concern that violent extremists could benefit from the demonstrators' feelings of alienation and hostility toward the Shiite-led Iraqi government.

And tensions are rising.

At least five protesters were killed and more than 20 were wounded on Friday when soldiers opened fire at stone-hurling demonstrators near Fallujah. They were the first deaths at opposition rallies that have been raging around the country for more than a month.

Tens of thousands of protesters turned out in the former al-Qaida stronghold in western Iraq ? some waving black banners emblazoned with the Muslim confession of faith. Two soldiers were later killed in an apparent retaliatory attack for the protesters' deaths.

The vast desert territory on Syria's doorstep was the birthplace of the Sunni insurgency that erupted after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, and where Iraqi officials believe al-Qaida's Iraq arm is regrouping.

Protesters also have staged demonstrations in other areas with large concentrations of Sunni Arabs who feel discriminated against by the government. Their list of demands includes calls for the release of detainees and an end to policies they believe unfairly target their sect.

For now, the American Embassy said it has no indication that al-Qaida is gaining support from the demonstrations, but the fear remains, particularly as the security situation deteriorates in neighboring Syria.

An embassy official said the U.S. had expressed concern that the protesters' so far peaceful expression of their concerns must not be usurped by extremists trying to provoke violence. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

Protest organizers and the politicians who support them are eager to distance themselves from extremist rhetoric.

Sunni lawmaker Ahmed al-Alawani recently urged Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to meet demonstrators' demands so al-Qaida and other extremists could not exploit their frustration.

That was a sentiment echoed by protest organizer and spokesman Saeed Humaim in Ramadi, the Anbar provincial capital that has been the focus of daily sit-ins and frequent mass rallies. He said protesters have no intention to take up arms, but will defend themselves if attacked by government security forces.

Still, many Iraqi Sunnis have little doubt that the protests strengthen militant groups.

"I don't think the al-Qaida people would miss an opportunity to move freely when the government and security forces are busy handling these spreading protests," said Ayad Salman, 42, who owns a shoe store in northern Baghdad. "The country is slipping toward a new round of civil war, or at least some groups are planning and pushing for this."

The rallies broke out just over a month ago in Iraq's western Sunni heartland of Anbar following the arrest of guards assigned to the Iraqi Finance Minister Rafia al-Issawi, a Sunni who hails from the province.

In an interview aired late Thursday, al-Maliki suggested that al-Qaida and members of Saddam Hussein's ousted regime have a hand in the demonstrations.

"I hope that these protests would not turn violent ... and drag the country to a sectarian war," he told al-Baghdadiya TV.

Al-Qaida's local affiliate this week posted a statement praising the protesters, saluting what it called "the true Muslims who revolted in defense of their honor and religion."

A senior Iraqi security official who specializes in terrorist activities said al-Qaida is making use of the resentment in predominantly Sunni provinces, where local residents who used to provide authorities tips about terrorist activities are growing much more reluctant to snitch.

He and another senior security official said al-Qaida fighters now have more freedom to move around. That is partly because state security forces' movements are being restricted in Sunni areas so they cannot be accused of unfairly targeting the Muslim sect, they said.

The second official said the demonstrations give extremists a good opportunity to try to mobilize Sunni opposition and portray themselves as the only groups who can safeguard the rights and interests of the Sunni minority.

The Iraqi officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss security operations with the media.

The local wing of al-Qaida, known as the Islamic State of Iraq, generally does not operate beyond Iraq's borders. But al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri last year urged Iraqi insurgents to support the Sunni-based uprising in neighboring Syria against President Bashar Assad, whose Alawite sect is a branch of Shiite Islam.

Iraqi officials believe Sunni fighters aligned with al-Qaida's Iraq franchise are moving back and forth across the Syrian border to help Sunni rebels overthrow Assad.

Rebel gains in Syria are giving Iraq's Sunni protesters and insurgents alike a sense that their fortunes may be shifting too.

"Sunnis seem ascendant in Syria. That is a major psychological boost to the Sunnis in Iraq," said Kamran Bokhari, an expert on Mideast issues for the global intelligence company Stratfor. "They're trying to capitalize on that."

Other militants are trying to tie their fight to the protests too.

Earlier this month, uniformed members of the Naqshabandi Army appeared in an online video urging Iraqis to continue their protests, sit-ins and acts of civil disobedience. It called on security forces to turn their weapons on the "traitors and foreign agents" ? a likely reference to what many Sunnis see is Shiite powerhouse Iran's influence over the government.

The group, a network of former Iraqi military officers and jihadists, frequently claims responsibility for attacks on government security forces.

The highest ranking member of Saddam's regime still at large, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, has separately lent his support to the demonstrators. Al-Douri, who is suspected of having ties to the Naqshabandi Army, is thought to have played a key role in financing Sunni insurgents seeking to undermine Iraq's post-Saddam government.

Another small jihadist group, the 1920 Revolution Brigades, put out a statement of its own backing the protest movement.


Associated Press writers Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Sameer N. Yacoub contributed reporting.


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Business Branding and Scent Machines

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Tags: scent machines, scent machines for sale, Scentair

By admin | 27. Jan 2013 | Global Business News | Comments Off

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Detoxing Can Change Your Life - Lucky Blog -

Detoxing is one of the most popular words in the month of January. Many people take the start of a new year as an opportunity to do a whole body cleansing to increase the efficiency of the digestive system and to stimulate the other parts of the body that are responsible for cleansing and elimination.

In fact, a detox program is so important what it should be done at least twice a year. Just remember how many impurities and toxins we get daily, in the food we eat and the air we breathe. A toxin is any substance that causes irritating or harmful effects in your body and this daily exposure to pollution starts to add up, leading to a buildup of harmful free radicals within us, which may result in damage to our bodies.

A whole body cleansing is one of the best ways to help rid the body of toxins. Foods rich in antioxidants have been found to neutralize toxins and free radicals by seeking them out and deactivating them. The main antioxidant nutrients are vitamins A, C, and E. Super Fruits are also believed to contain high concentrations of anti-oxidants.

In addition, a detox program is highly recommended if you are starting a weight-loss diet to ensure your body can works at its best in all functions, from getting the most out of your nutrition to revving up your metabolism. Detoxing will improve your appearance, regulate your sleep patterns, increase your vitality, enhance your underlying health, and boost your emotional well-being.

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AT&T to buy $1.9 billion worth of 700MHz spectrum from Verizon

Verizon has made a number of deals with smaller carriers lately to unload its 700MHz spectrum, and it's now struck a deal with a big one. AT&T announced today that it's buying a large swath of spectrum in the 700 MHz B band from Verizon for $1.9 billion in cash and AWS spectrum licenses. That spectrum covers some 42 million people across 18 states, including some areas that aren't currently covered by AT&T. Expectedly, the switchover won't happen overnight -- AT&T expects the deal to close sometime in the second half of 2013, assuming it gains the necessary regulatory approval. You can find the full list of states covered by the spectrum in the press release after the break.

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AT&T Agrees to Acquire 700 MHz Spectrum from Verizon Wireless

Dallas, Texas, January 25, 2013

AT&T* announced in an 8-K filing today that it has agreed to acquire spectrum in the 700 MHz B band from Verizon Wireless for $1.9 billion in cash and Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum licenses in several markets, including Phoenix, Ariz., Los Angeles and Fresno, Calif. and Portland, Ore.

The 700 MHz licenses to be acquired by AT&T cover 42 million people in 18 states - California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming.

This acquisition complements AT&T's existing holdings in the 700 MHz B band and will allow AT&T to continue to quickly deploy 4G LTE services to meet demand for mobile Internet services on a wide array of smartphones, tablets and other devices. The company announced in November 2012 that it plans to reach 300 million people in the U.S. with its 4G LTE network by the end of 2014.

In conjunction with this transaction, AT&T will sell to Grain Management a single AWS license and will lease 700 MHz spectrum from Grain Management in three markets.

The transaction is subject to regulatory approval. AT&T anticipates closing the transaction in the second half of 2013.

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

About AT&T

AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources that includes the nation's largest 4G network, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV services under the AT&T U-verse(R) and AT&T |DIRECTV brands. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.

Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at or follow our news on @ATT, on Facebook at and YouTube at

(C) 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. 4G not available everywhere. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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TechCrunch Giveaway: Nike+ Fuel Band Plus 2 Free Tickets To The #Crunchies

crunchiesAs you've no doubt heard by now, the 6th Annual Crunchies Awards are nearly upon us! Voting concluded last night and the last set of tickets are on sale now. If you want to purchase them in time for next week's show you'd better hurry, because the tickets are going fast. Next Thursday is going to be a night you will never forget. We have all-star surprise guests, musical guests and an Emmy Award-winning writer hosting the show. That's not all; the after party will be a blast as well.


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9 E Lexington Lane #E | Lexington Green | PGA National | Palm ...

Wow! 2nd-floor 3BR/2BA home with dramatic lake views & overlooking the park at 9 E Lexington Lane #E in Lexington Green at prestigious PGA National. The lushly-landscaped walkway with shade trees leads to the covered arched entrance & your spot in paradise. Once inside, the bright great room includes wraparound windows & sliders that lead to the screened lanai. The kitchen includes Italian granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and a pass-thru to the dining room. The master has spectacular views & large walk-in closets. The master bath has His/Hers granite sinks & a tiled Roman tub. The spacious guest bedrooms share an updated Jack-n-Jill bath. The 3rd Bedroom/Office includes a built-in Murphy bed. The screened lanai is ideal for relaxing. Lots of light & newer flooring throughout. Includes a 1-car garage.

9 E Lexington Lane #E

9 E Lexington Lane #E ? View



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Korg announces MS-20 mini, we go hands and ears-on (video)

Korg announces MS-20 mini, we go hands and ears-on (video)

Korg has a string of classic sound-making machines that bear its name. One of the most well regarded would be the MS-20 analog synth that first landed in 1978. But that's no good to you right here in 2013 is it? Well, funnily enough, the kind folk at Korg realised this, and decided to relaunch it, updated for the modern musician. The MS-20 mini is, as you might surmise, a smaller version of the classic, measuring in at 86 percent the size of the original. It also looks like as much of the character that made the MS-20 sing to people's hearts has been carried over as possible. The mini was developed by the same engineers, has the same synthesis set up (two oscillators, ring modulation, VCA design etc) complete with manual cable-patching system (which is now 3.5mm rather than 1/4-inch). There is one modern addition, and that is a USB-MIDI jack around the back, letting you plug in to your favorite DAW / sequencing software through the more contemporary connection -- should you prefer that over the good old 5-pin MIDI (which is still an option). As we're right here at NAMM, we took a stroll over to the Korg booth to take a look for ourselves. Head past the break to see / hear more.

Undoubtedly, the MS-20 mini looks like the real deal. Although smaller second time around, it's still a good size, and big enough for competent keyboard players to do their thing. The knobs and pots felt surprisingly plasticky, but the rest of the machine seems robust and well made. It's hard not to get sucked in to the whole vintage detail, especially the patch bay on the right hand side. The action on the keys feels good and responsive, and those dials should be able to take some vigorous use -- ideal for live performances. The sound it generates will definitely please fans of analog synths, and we even caught Deadmau5 making an appearance at the booth to check it out. So, if you'd like to upgrade from that iPad app version, to the real deal, you should be able to do so in spring, for an expected $599. Want to hear how it sounds? Jump on the video below for the quick demo. Full press release comes after that.

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Korg USA Announces MS-20 mini - Korg's classic MS-20 is recreated in mini size -

WINTER NAMM, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, January 24th, 2013 - Korg's MS-20 monophonic synthesizer, first introduced in 1978, is still coveted to this day for its thick, robust sound, powerful, iconic analog filter, and versatile patching options. It has now been reborn in hardware, as the new MS-20 mini. The same engineers who developed the original MS-20 have perfectly reproduced it in a body that's been shrunk to 86% of the original size, yet retains the distinctive look of the original.

The MS-20 Mini offers the same distinctive synthesis that made the original MS-20 popular: two oscillators with ring modulation, and envelope generators with delay and hold. The VCA (Voltage Controlled Amp) maintains the original basic design, but it's been modified to produce less noise. Particular attention has also been paid to delivering smooth parameter adjustments, which are a distinctive feature of analog synthesizers. Special care was also taken to completely reproduce the original specifications of the MS-20, to deliver the same powerful sound, from deep, growling basses to crisp, rounded leads.

One of the most well-known - and still most sought after - characteristics of the original MS-20 was its powerful filters, which provided both high-pass and low-pass with peak/resonance. Maximizing the peak/resonance would cause the filter to self-oscillate; producing a distinctive and dramatic tonal change that was acclaimed as inimitable, and was used many years later on Korg's monotron and monotribe. The filter circuit was changed mid-way through the production lifecycle of the MS-20; the MS-20 mini uses the earlier filter, which was felt to be superior due to its more radical sound.
The ESP (External Signal Processor) functionality carries on the experimental spirit of MS-20, allowing users to utilize the pitch or volume of an external audio source to control the synthesizer. For example, an electric guitar can be used as an input signal, and the MS-20 mini can be used as a guitar synthesizer, or the mic input can allow it to be used it as a vocal synthesizer.

The patching system enables the creation of complex sounds by allowing the rerouting of both modulation and audio (both the internal oscillators and external audio). Different combinations of the modulation input/output and trigger, sample and hold, and noise generator can produce an incredible variety of sounds. By patching according to the MS-20 flow chart printed on the panel, musicians of all levels can take advantage of these possibilities right away.

To make it even more approachable, the MS-20 mini has been shrunk to 86% of the size of the original, with meticulous care taken to accurately reproduce the knob design and the printing. The patch cables have been changed from 1/4" phone plugs to mini-plugs, and the newly- designed keyboard is also 86% of the original size.

The MS-20 mini is equipped with a MIDI IN jack for receiving note messages, and a USB-MIDI connector that can transmit and receive note messages. Users can also connect the MS20 mini to a computer and play it from an external sequencer.

For added authenticity, the MS-20 mini packaging replicates much of the original. Also included are the original MS-20 owner's manual and settings chart.

Billy Steele contributed to this report.

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The Mission Continues Welcomes More Than 70 Military Veterans to Los Angeles to Launch New Careers in Service

National Nonprofit to Host First-Ever Los Angeles Orientation Weekend,

Including Volunteer Event at L.A. Dream Center

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 22, 2013

More than 70 post-9/11 military veterans will begin a new chapter of service to their country this week by leading the Los Angeles community in a service project at The Dream Center. The veterans are gathering in Los Angeles from communities across the United States for Alpha Orientation with The Mission Continues, a national nonprofit dedicated to helping post-9/11 veterans find renewed meaning and purpose in civilian life through six-month service fellowships with local nonprofit organizations in their hometowns.

?The Mission Continues was founded on the belief that veterans? service to their country does not end when they return home,? said Spencer Kympton, president of The Mission Continues. ?Through service ? whether overseas or alongside neighbors in their home towns ? veterans have the potential and the skills to inspire communities and lead a nation.?

Alpha Orientation culminates with a service project on Saturday, January 26. From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. that day, veterans will work side-by-side with community volunteers from throughout the Los Angeles metro area, to refurbish common areas and serve meals to patrons, helping The Dream Center fulfill its mission of addressing the immediate and long-term needs of homelessness, hunger relief, medical care, and education. The service project will conclude with the veterans taking an official oath of community service during a special post-project ceremony that marks the beginning of their fellowships.

?The Dream Center is about offering second chances and opportunities for many who have met life's tougher challenges head-on" said Pastor Matthew Barnett, Co-Founder, The Dream Center. "The 70 volunteer veterans of The Mission Continues will be doing a tremendous service for The Dream Center that will touch thousands upon thousands in the days and years ahead. They are our heroes. Not just on the battlefields, but for each person in need who will come through our doors."

The Dream Center service event is a central component of The Mission Continues? 2013 Alpha Orientation, the group?s first-ever national orientation event in Los Angeles. Once they leave Los Angeles, the members of Alpha class ?known as Fellows ? will return to their homes across the country to begin service work with local nonprofit organizations. Throughout their service experience, Fellows are able to translate military experiences into civilian skills, gaining valuable work experience and pursuing a defined post-fellowship goal.

Among the members of Alpha class is Los Angeles native and retired U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran Jaime Magallanes. After serving more than 10 years in the Marine Corps including three combat tours to Iraq, Magallanes returned home, looking for a way to continue his service.

Through The Mission Continues, Magallanes will begin volunteering 20 hours a week at The Boys and Girls Club of Southwest County. At the facility, he will leverage his personal and military background to coach and mentor at-risk kids. He hopes to be a role model and to create an environment of safety and positivity for children in the community.

?A lot of these kids have a tough home life, but I want them to be able to trust me, like my Marines trusted me,? Magallanes said. ?I want to be a role model and mentor to help them in their future, but I think they have as much to teach me about being a good father, as I can teach them about leading a purposeful life.?

Media Opportunities:

Film/Photography Opportunities:

The Mission Continues Fellows and volunteers will work together to renovate The Dream Center?s common rooms, build an outdoor recreation area and feed local homeless individuals.

Interview Opportunities:

  • ????70 Fellows of The Mission Continues (post-9/11 veterans representing four of the five military branches)
  • ????Eric Greitens, founder and CEO of The Mission Continues
  • ????Spencer Kympton, president of The Mission Continues

About The Mission Continues

The Mission Continues challenges veterans to serve and inspire in communities across America. Founded by former U.S. Navy SEAL Eric Greitens in 2007 upon his return from deployment to Iraq, The Mission Continues offers post-9/11 veterans six-month community service fellowships with nonprofit organizations in their hometowns. Through service, The Mission Continues has helped more than 500 veterans reconnect to their communities at home, offering a pathway to utilize their tremendous skills and leadership toward one of three ultimate outcomes: pursuit of higher education, securing full-time employment, or continuing in a full-time position of community service. For more information, please visit

About The Dream Center

Founded in 1994, The Dream Center provides a range of vital services, including rehabilitation programs, transitional shelter for homeless families and victims of human trafficking, mobile hunger relief and medical programs, foster care intervention, and education/job skills training all targeted at rebuilding lives and families. The Dream Center?s long record of success has led to the establishment of more than 100 independent Dream Centers across the United States and around the world. For more information go to

Laura L'Esperance
The Mission Continues
Email Information


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Online Debate: Should social networks be closed? |

Today many young person use social networks, look on our young generation many of them affraid to communicate with real peopole, they forget about real sending of letter. Many people use information that people include when the registered and threattn them or send some spam, it is so difficult to read all letters with spam, and sometime people only delete all massengers without reading. That is why of my point of view this social networks have negative influence on our young genaration
Okay, okay. Of course social network is not so perfect thing, but first of all, it is smart thing, with the help of this you can save time, example: instead of going to the cinema to buy a ticket, you can buy a lot of tickets in internet.
Second you can communicate with a lot of people momentally, instead of that sending a letter, which will be delivered in 1 week, agree wtih men, it is so long, but internet helps us to solve this problem.
Third win our time youth create a bussiness in Internet. I mean that Internet motivate and help us to create something new, to read a lot of information about bussiness example. It means that in Internet mostly youth has a lot of possibilities.
Fourth Internet provide studying, exactly helps us to study in Internet. It is so easy and nice doing so easily and in all this Internet "Thank only to You"


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Chameleon pulsar baffles astronomers

Jan. 24, 2013 ? Using a satellite X-ray telescope combined with terrestrial radio telescopes the pulsar was found to flip on a roughly half-hour timescale between two extreme states; one dominated by X-ray pulses, the other by a highly-organised pattern of radio pulses.

The research was led by Professor Wim Hermsen from The Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Amsterdam and will appear in the journal Science on the 25th January 2013.

Researchers from Jodrell Bank Observatory, as well as institutions around the world, used simultaneous observations with the X-ray satellite XMM-Newton and two radio telescopes; the LOw Frequency Array (LOFAR) in the Netherlands and the Giant Meter Wave Telescope (GMRT) in India to reveal this so far unique behaviour.

Pulsars are small spinning stars that are about the size of a city, around 20 km in diameter. They emit oppositely directed beams of radiation from their magnetic poles. Just like a lighthouse, as the star spins and the beam sweeps repeatedly past Earth we see a brief flash.

Some pulsars produce radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including at X-ray and radio wavelengths. Despite being discovered more than 45 years ago the exact mechanism by which pulsars shine is still unknown.

It has been known for some time that some radio-emitting pulsars flip their behaviour between two (or even more) states, changing the pattern and intensity of their radio pulses. The moment of flip is both unpredictable and sudden. It is also known from satellite-borne telescopes that a handful of radio pulsars can also be detected at X-ray frequencies. However, the X-ray signal is so weak that nothing is known of its variability.

To find out if the X-rays could also flip the scientists studied a particular pulsar called PSR B0943+10, one of the first to be discovered. It has radio pulses which change in form and brightness every few hours with some of the changes happening within about a second.

Dr Ben Stappers from The University of Manchester's School of Physics and Astronomy said: "The behaviour of this pulsar is quite startling, it's as if it has two distinct personalities. As PSR B0943+10 is one of the few pulsars also known to emit X-rays, finding out how this higher energy radiation behaves as the radio changes could provide new insight into the nature of the emission process."

Since the source is a weak X-ray emitter, the team used the most sensitive X-ray telescope in existence, the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton on board a spacecraft orbiting Earth. The observations took place over six separate sessions of about six hours in duration. To identify the exact moment of flip in the pulsar's radio behaviour the X-ray observations were tracked simultaneously with two of the largest radio telescopes in the world, LOFAR and the GMRT.

What the scientists found was that whilst the X-rays did indeed change their behaviour at the same time as the radio emission, as might have been expected, in the state where the radio signal is strong and organised the X-rays were weak, and when the radio emission switched to weak the X-rays got brighter.

Commenting on the study's findings the project leader Wim Hermsen says: "To our surprise we found that when the brightness of the radio emission halved, the X-ray emission brightened by a factor of two! Furthermore the intense X-rays have a very different character from those in the radio-bright state, since they seem to be thermal in origin and to pulse with the neutron star's rotation period."

Dr Stappers says this is an exciting discovery: "As well as brightening in the X-rays we discovered that the X-ray emission also shows pulses, something not seen when the radio emission is bright. This was the opposite of what we had expected. I've likened the changes in the pulsar to a chameleon. Like the animal the star changes in reaction to its environment, such as a change in temperature."

Geoff Wright from the University of Sussex adds: "Our observations strongly suggest that a temporary "hotspot" appears close to the pulsar's magnetic pole which switches on and off with the change of state. But why a pulsar should undergo such dramatic and unpredictable changes is completely unknown."

The next step for the researchers is to look at other objects which have similar behaviour to investigate what happens to the X-ray emission. Later this year there will be another round of simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of a second pulsar. These observations will include the Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Manchester, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. W. Hermsen et al. Synchronous X-ray and Radio Mode Switches: A Rapid Global Transformation of the Pulsar Magnetosphere. Science, 2013; 339 (6118): 436 DOI: 10.1126/science.1230960

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Spring and Summer Tournament Dates Announced | Tap Cancer Out

In the spring of 2011 we hosted our first Tap Cancer Out BJJ Open to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The event was outstanding, attracting nearly 200 competitors, 50 of which fundraised on behalf of Tap Cancer Out, raising over $17,000 before the tournament had even started! After all was said and done, over $21,000 had been raised, allowing our nonprofit to provide the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with gifts totaling over $28,000 in 2011.

With that kind of success in our first attempt at a fundraising tournament (quite possibly the first BJJ fundraising tournament ever), we couldn?t stop there. So in 2013, our plan is to host four fundraising tournaments with a goal of raising over $100,000!

To that end, we are happy to announce the dates and locations for the first two Tap Cancer Out BJJ Open tournaments in 2013.


Saturday, April 13th
Bunnell High School
Stratford, CT


Saturday, June 22nd
St. John?s Preparatory High School
Danvers, MA


TBA ? NY/NJ/MD area


TBA ? Chicago, IL

We?ll have more information to you as soon as we get it, but we wanted you to get these dates on your calendar ASAP! Registration for the Spring tournament will open in February.

Sponsors are essential to the success of our fundraising tournaments, providing our fundraisers with incentives to raise more money. ?If you?re a vendor and would like to sponsor one, a few or all of our events, please email us at information {at} Past sponsors include Predator BJJ, Martial Arts Supplies, Inverted Gear, Fight Soap, Lapel Choke and Scramble.


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CRIME: At least 14 people have fallen victim to paving scam in St ...

Bullet News

ST. CATHARINES ? At least 14 people have fallen victim to a ?paving scam? in St. Catharines, Niagara Regional Police say.

According to investigators, a male going door-to-door approaches victims offering to pave their driveway at a much reduced cost.

Once the suspect receives the cash up front, he claims he will return with his equipment.

In some cases, the suspect has even asked the victim to drive him to a location to pick up his equipment.

The male then disappears with the cash and never returns.

While legitimate businesses seek customers through door-to-door sales, there are others that use the opportunity to defraud unsuspecting victims who are quick to respond to a great offer.

The Niagara Regional Police Service cautions the public that before paying cash for a service, or agreeing to a contract, ensure you know who you are doing business with.

Information on crimes can be submitted anonymously using Crime Stoppers of Niagara.

To leave an anonymous tip, please contact Crime Stoppers via: Telephone: 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) Online: Text: 274637 (CRIMES), keyword ?Niagara,? then your tip.

Crime Stoppers guarantees that you will remain anonymous through any of the methods offered to provide tips.

You may also be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000 if the information leads to an arrest.


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Video: Looking ahead: Biden vs. Clinton?

Apple TV would signal future innovation

In any other context, the idea of punishing a company that delivered an 18 percent year-over-year increase, bringing quarterly revenue to $54.5 billion, would be absurd, but Apple, in a way, is a victim of its own success.


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10 finalists named for international Booker prize

JAIPUR, India (AP) ? American author Marilynne Robinson, Israel's Aharon Appelfeld and China's Yan Lianke are among 10 finalists for the Man Booker International Prize for fiction.

The award, an offshoot of Britain's better-known Man Booker novel-of-the-year prize, is awarded for a lifetime's work. It is open to authors of all nationalities whose work is available in English.

Prize organizers said both China's Yan and Russian finalist Vladimir Sorokin have had books banned in their homelands.

Yan fell foul of the authorities with "Dream of Ding Village," about the AIDS crisis caused by HIV-contaminated blood, and "To Serve the People," which features a character who can be aroused only when his lover smashes images of Chairman Mao.

Sorokin, best known for "The Ice Trilogy," had his early books banned in Soviet times.

Other finalists announced Thursday at the Jaipur Literary Festival in India include Lydia Davis of the United States, Pakistan's Intizar Husain, France's Marie NDiaye and Indian writer U.R. Ananthamurthy.

Josip Novakovich ? a Croatia-born Canadian writer ? and Switzerland's Peter Stamm round out the list.

Academic Christopher Ricks, who chairs the judging panel, said the 10 were "astonishingly different" writers who range in age from their 40s to their 80s.

Previous winners of the 60,000-pound ($95,000) award include Canada's Alice Munro, Nigeria's Chinua Achebe and Philip Roth of the United States.

The prize, awarded every two years, causes fierce debate and occasional controversy. In 2011, British spy writer John le Carre asked for his name to be removed from the shortlist ? he said he eschewed awards ? and one of the jurors resigned at the choice of Roth as winner.

This year's winner will be announced in London on May 22.


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Ending U.S. combat ban will even career playing field, servicewomen say

(Reuters) - A Pentagon decision to lift a ban on women in front-line combat roles will remove an obstacle that stymied women's careers but had little meaning on modern battlefields with no clear front lines, U.S. military women said on Wednesday.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is expected to formally announce on Thursday that he will lift the policy that excluded women from units whose main job is to engage in combat, U.S. defense officials said.

"Everyone serving in Iraq and Afghanistan is in combat by the very nature of those conflicts," said Peggy Reiber, who retired from the Marine Corps 16 years ago as a first sergeant and lives in a San Diego suburb.

"Women have certainly fought equally and died equally, it's time we were recognized equally."

The move, which could open thousands of fighting jobs to female service members for the first time, knocks down another societal barrier in the U.S. armed forces after the Pentagon in 2011 scrapped its "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

"I feel like it's beyond time," said Staff Sergeant Tiffany Evans, a soldier stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, describing the move as an overdue recognition that women already serve in combat.

But not all were pleased by the decision. The conservative Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee complained the move could detract from the military's role in protecting the country.

"Our military cannot continue to choose social experimentation and political correctness over combat readiness," the group's president, Penny Nance, said.

Defense officials said the decision to end the ban was made by Panetta, and that individual military services would have until 2016 to seek exemptions if they believe any combat roles should remain closed to women.

Women serving in Afghanistan and Iraq during the last dozen years have accompanied Marines on house raids so they could conduct weapons searches on Muslim women captives who could not be frisked by men. They drive trucks in supply convoys and pilot low-flying cargo planes, dangerous jobs that make them a target.

"They're prime targets because people want the supplies and want to eliminate the supply line," said Suzanne Lachelier, a Navy reserve commander who has served on active duty, though not in combat zones.

"Women are already at risk anyway, so the combat distinction is false at this point," said Lachelier, a Navy lawyer whose work has taken her to Sudan and Yemen.


Women's combat roles were not recognized and the men they served alongside got the combat ribbons and ensuing promotions, several military women said.

"I know countless women whose careers have been stunted by combat exclusion in all the branches," said Anu Bhagwati, 37, a Marine captain who said she left the service in 2004 in large part because of the combat exclusion policy.

Bhagwati is executive director of the Service Women's Action Network, one of the plaintiffs who filed a lawsuit against Panetta in November, claiming the ban was unconstitutional because it discriminated against women.

"There are many incredibly talented, gifted, enthusiastic, hard-charging Marines that I knew who left the Marine Corps because of combat exclusion policy," said Bhagwati, who lives in New York City.

She said that under Panetta, the military had made great progress in fighting discrimination and harassment of women. She called the move "a historic moment" that she hadn't expected to come so soon.

Newly elected Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard, an Army captain in the Hawaii National Guard who was twice deployed to the Middle East, said American female service members have contributed on the battlefield as far back as the U.S. Civil War, when some disguised themselves as men.

"It is crucial that we shed light on the great value and opportunities that these women bring," Gabbard said.

Several military women said they had no doubts women could meet the physical requirements for combat.

"There are some men that aren't in shape ... It's just a matter of training," said Saki Mines, a 29-year-old Army National Guard pilot who was twice deployed to Iraq and is preparing for duty in Egypt but who said her application to become a pilot with the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment was rejected because of her gender.

"Everybody knows combat infantry troops are for men only. The other jobs, I don't think most people were aware of the (ban)," Mines said, adding the move to lift the ban was "great."

(Reporting by Jane Sutton in Miami; Additional reporting by Rebecca Rose in Killeen, Texas; Marty Graham in San Diego; Colleen Jenkins in Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Eric Johnson in Seattle; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Eric Beech)


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Almost all in Congress use Twitter; if only bills could be as short as tweets

All 100 members of the U.S. Senate now tweet, and 90 percent of the members of the House of Representatives send out 140-word bits and bites. (Why can't bill-writing be done with such brevity? The Affordable Care Act would have looked a lot different if it had said: "Everybody. Gets. Covered. The End.") ?A look at the top members of Congress ? according to Twitter.


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Gay rights groups seek order on employer bias

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Gay rights advocates are renewing their push for President Barack Obama to sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against gay employees.

The drive comes as Obama included an unexpected declaration of support for gay rights in his inaugural address Monday, saying, "Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."

Gay supporters hope his comments will lead to action on their agenda on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Obama had frustrated many of his supporters last year when he declined to issue an executive order that would protect workers at companies with government contracts from bias based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

At the time, activists believed the administration was making a political decision based on the looming election. White House officials said Obama was waiting for Congress to pass broader legislation that would prohibit all employers from discriminating against gay workers.

"Getting past an election always uncomplicates things," said Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, a leading gay rights advocacy group. "We intend to pick up the issue once again and ask the president to do this."

Current federal law bans discrimination on the basis of sex, race and national origin, but it doesn't stop an employer from firing or refusing to hire a worker based on sexual orientation.

White House spokesman Shin Inouye said this week that the Obama administration is not ready "at this time" to issue an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against gays.

The push for Obama to act comes as legal recognition of gay rights has gradually expanded: Twenty-one states and the District of Columbia ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. Nine states and D.C. have legalized same-sex marriage.

Later this year, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in two cases that could further expand gay marriage rights. Gay rights groups are hoping the administration files briefs in the case to argue that gay marriage is protected by the Constitution. Obama has so far insisted gay marriage is a state issue, and White House spokesman Jay Carney reaffirmed that stance Tuesday in response to questions about the president's inaugural speech.

Gay supporters have been a loyal constituency for Obama, helping him raise millions for his re-election campaign. And they have been grateful for the president's first-term decisions to back same-sex marriage and repeal the military's "don't ask don't tell" policy, allowing gay soldiers to serve openly for the first time.

But job discrimination remains one of the last barriers for gay workers, and activists say it's unrealistic to expect Congress ? with a Republican-controlled House ? to revise discrimination laws anytime soon. Those efforts have failed to make headway in Congress for more than a decade.

In the meantime, an executive order banning discrimination by federal contractors would affect more than 20 percent of the workforce ? about 16 million workers. And some advocates believe an executive order could provide the spark that gets Congress to act.

"There's clear research that shows LGBT people face high rates of discrimination in the workplace, and we need to pursue every possible policy solution to that problem," said Jeff Krehely, vice president of LGBT research at the liberal-leaning Center for American Progress.

Randel Johnson, vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for labor issues, said business owners might have some concerns with an executive order, depending on how it was drafted, with new paperwork and enforcement requirements.

"Executive orders are often enforced through the severe sanction of debarment from federal contracts, so they must be carefully and narrowly structured," Johnson said.

Otherwise, the Chamber has taken no official position on congressional efforts to pass broader legislation prohibiting discrimination against gay workers.

Many Fortune 500 companies already include bans on discrimination based on sexual orientation in their workplace, and many others include gender identity, according to the Human Rights Campaign.

Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, welcomed Obama's inaugural remarks, calling him "the most pro-LGBT president in American history." But she said it's also time for the president "to finish the job of ensuring that every American gets a fair shake."

Her group's agenda includes an executive order covering anti-gay discrimination by federal contractors, passage of broader federal legislation covering all employers and repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.


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Ideas To Help You Get The Most Out Of Commercial Real Estate ...

When thinking of a commercial real estate investment, it is wise to decide exactly what kind of commercial property is best for your investment. Unless you make wise investment decisions, you could lose thousands of dollars. These tips can help you make a good decision when you are putting your money into commercial real estate.

Make sure you?ll be able to access power, water and other utilities for your commercial property. You are going to need to sign up for utility services on your commercial property, along with the ones you have at your business.

Create a reputation of being an expert by starting a blog on your website. This is a great way to introduce people to your products and services and also which properties you have available for sale or leasing.

Your investment may require substantial amounts of your individual time and attention in the beginning. You will have to hunt for a good opportunity, and once you have bought property, you might have to do some repairs or remodel it. Don?t abandon you commercial real estate venture because it currently consumes so much of your time. The rewards will show themselves later.

Have your business needs in line before looking for commercial real estate! Have an exact idea on what type of office space is required for your company. If you have hopes of company growth, you will clearly want to purchase excess space, rather than wait until later when prices go up.

It is always best to be aware of how your asking price is in relation to the market price. Many things alter the value of your property./

Calm and patience are both sound practices when you are searching for commercial property. Do not rush into investments, or make decisions impulsively. You might regret it if that property is not right for you. It may take a year for your needed investment to come about in the market.

Social media is an important tool for keeping brokers and investors appraised of your services. If you maintain a regular presence in these contacts? lives, then they?ll think of you first the next time they are ready to make a deal.

Real Estate

If you want to learn a lot about real estate, check out several websites that offer a lot of information to both experienced and new real estate investors. There is no such thing as having too much knowledge, so it is always a good idea to learn as much as you can.

Closely check the surrounding environment of your property. If your building is full of hazardous waste or otherwise constitutes a threat to the environment, you will be responsible for resolving these problems, even if a previous owner caused them. Are you considering buying a property within a flood zone, which can effect your insurance, storm water drainage and possibly impede future growth potential? Reconsider the wisdom of that plan. Try contacting local environmental agencies that can give you important information regarding the area you?re thinking about buying a property in.

Assess what you need before you look for commercial properties. Write down the things you like about the property, important features are office numbers, how many conference rooms, restrooms, and how big it is.

Commercial Real Estate

Have a lender in place before any offer is made on commercial real estate. Research the interest costs and satisfaction ratings for lenders in your town. Before you start looking at commercial real estate, choose the lender that is most suitable for you. Taking your time to organize your paperwork will help to ensure that you get the loan.

As you have seen, commercial real estate can be a very lucrative investment. To succeed, however, you need to know what you are doing, as well as being a bit lucky. Not all individuals are destined for success, but with the application of the aforementioned advice, your odds of victory are higher than they would?ve been otherwise.

Ask your real estate broker how they measure success and failure to determine if you have hired the correct one. You need to know how they actually measure their results. Be sure that you understand his techniques and approach. If you disagree with the real estate agent?s methods, continue looking for the right broker for you.

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Will women have to register for the draft?

Now that the Pentagon is lifting its ban on women in combat, does this mean that women could potentially be drafted, too?

And as a practical matter: When women turn 18, will they now need to register, as men do, so that they can be conscripted in the event of a World War III, or any military emergency where the US government decides it needs troops quickly?

It?s a thorny question, raising what may be a difficult prospect societally. But the legal implications are obvious, analysts argue.

RECOMMENDED: Are you smarter than a US Marine? Take the recruitment quiz

?The answer to that question is clearly yes,? says Anne Coughlin, a law professor at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville. ?The legal argument is clear: If it comes to that kind of wrenching emergency where we have to press young people into service, there is no legal justification for saying that men alone need to shoulder that burden.?

The wars of the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan have been fought by an all-volunteer force, since the US military discontinued the draft in 1973. Males between the ages of 18 and 25, however, are still required to register for the Selective Service.

Once the combat exclusion policy is lifted, ?My belief is that if we open up combat arms to women, even on a voluntary basis, if there is a draft, we should be able to force women into those positions,? says retired Col. Peter Mansoor, a professor of military history at the Ohio State University in Columbus and a former US Army brigade commander who served two tours in Iraq.

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?If women are acceptable to serve in combat, they are acceptable to serve whether they volunteer or not. You can?t have the frosting on the cake and not the cake underneath,? he says.

Legal precedent backs this up, adds Professor Coughlin, who has advised plaintiffs in lawsuits to overturn the Pentagon?s combat exclusion policy ? in particular a US Supreme Court case in 1981, Rostker v. Goldberg. In that suit, men argued that the draft is unconstitutional because only men are required by law to register. The Supreme Court rejected the premise of lawsuit.

?The court ruled that the Selective Service process is designed to assemble combat-ready people, and right now women are excluded from combat arms,? Coughlin says. ?Therefore they can?t participate in the very thing that the draft is for. Hence, it?s appropriate and constitutional to continue to exclude women from the draft.?

Yet in overturning combat exclusion for women, ?The male-only draft falls as well, no question about it,? she adds.

Critics of women in combat argue that culturally, the prospect of women being drafted might make the country reluctant to go to war.

To that, Professor Mansoor says, ?It should be: That?s exactly the debate the country needs to have.?

But while the notion of women being drafted ?may add some measure of hesitancy to the decision, I don?t see it as swinging the decision,? he says.

Even so, ?Congress and the president should agonize over going to war. Questions of war should be difficult,? Mansoor adds. ?They should not be as easy as they?ve been in the past 10 years.?

RECOMMENDED: Are you smarter than a US Marine? Take the recruitment quiz

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APNewsBreak: Embassy: Some Russia orphans US-bound

MOSCOW (AP) ? Some of the Russian children caught in limbo by their country's ban on adoptions by Americans have left for the United States with their new parents, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow said Wednesday.

The confirmation to The Associated Press from press attach? Joseph Kruzich was the first official word that any of the 46 children had been allowed to leave Russia. Kruzich did not say exactly how many of the children had already left, but it was clear that all of these adoptions could now go forward, bringing huge relief to the children's would-be parents in America.

The ban on adoptions by Americans was rushed through Russia's parliament and signed by President Vladimir Putin in December in retaliation for a U.S. law that sanctions Russians said to have violated human rights.

But the hasty enactment left many questions unresolved, including the fates of the 46 children whose adoptions had just been approved by Russian courts. The court approval of the adoptions had to be followed by a 30-day waiting period, but that period wasn't over before the ban went into effect Jan. 1, leaving the children in legal limbo.

Many of the adoptive parents came to Russia last week hoping to take home children with whom they had already bonded during two or more previous trips to Russia as part of the lengthy adoption process. But some of the Americans were left hanging when officials refused to turn over the children, citing uncertainty over the new law. Others had more luck, but kept low profiles, unwilling to jeopardize adoptions that still seemed shaky.

Russia's Supreme Court was asked to establish a legal framework for resolving the dilemma and it issued its ruling on Tuesday, stating firmly that all adoptions approved by courts by Jan. 1, even if they had not gone into effect, would be allowed to proceed. The same assurances had been given last Thursday by Russia's ombudsman for children's rights, but his words carried no legal weight.

The embassy press attach? confirmed that some of the American families had managed to get their new children even before the Supreme Court ruling.

"Following up on recent statements by Russian authorities, the embassy can confirm that several adoptions have been finalized under Russian law," Kruzich told the AP. "The embassy in Moscow has processed the applications of these adopting parents in accordance with standard procedures. We will continue processing those cases that are approved by Russian courts."

The first children left Russia on Friday and Saturday, a day after their applications were processed by the embassy.

Hundreds more families ? perhaps 1,500 in all ? were in some earlier phase of pursuing an adoption from Russia. The Supreme Court ruling appears to put an end to their hopes.

Russia has more than 654,000 children not in parental custody, and 128,000 of them are eligible for adoption, most of them now living in orphanages. Russia has been trying to increase domestic adoptions, and 18,000 Russians are on the waiting list to adopt a child.

Americans adopted nearly 1,000 Russian children in 2011, about 10 percent of them classified as disabled.

While the immediate purpose of Russia's ban was to retaliate for the new U.S. law targeting Russians, the ban also reflects resentment over the 60,000 Russian children who have been adopted by Americans in the past two decades, 19 of whom have died.

But many Russians have been angered by the adoption ban, which they see as sacrificing children to make a political point. A protest in Moscow this month to denounce the law and those who enacted it drew tens of thousands of demonstrators.


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