Saturday, May 11, 2013

10 things I learned from my mom - by Melinda Green - Happy ...

Melinda is the 19-year old daughter of Carey and Mindi Green.

by Melinda Green

#1 The Truth of My Identity in Christ

Ever since I was little, my mom has been teaching me about who I am because of Jesus and His work in me. I am a new creation. No matter how I fall short and mess up, I know that I am pure and holy because of Christ. Because of this knowledge, I can live life confident in God, and who He is making me to be. When insecurities and doubts rise up to make life difficult, I can fight them and live according to the truth because I know the truth about who I am. I am in Christ, and He is in me.

#2 Not to be Controlled by My Emotions

Emotions are powerful things, and it?s easy to live life and make decisions based on how we feel. Without even knowing it, we let our feelings dictate our thoughts and actions. As long as I can remember, my mom has shown me the difference between living according to emotion and living according to reality and God?s truth. Because of this, I have learned over time how to push aside my emotions when they don?t line up with reality and strive to obey God, not only when I feel like it, but especially when I don?t.

#3 The Importance of Communication

Throughout my life, I have seen the relationships in my family thrive. I realize that this would not be the case, if God had not given my mom the wisdom to initiate good communication in our home. The example she has set: talking about everything, always asking us kids how we feel about things, always telling us if there is something bothering her, or some way that we hurt her, asking us if there is something bothering us? this has enabled us to ?keep the slate clean? between one another, and learn to love each other on a deeper level. This habit of communicating has also enabled us to become unified as a family. Now that I am an adult, I see that there is no way to have a good relationship without open communication about EVERYTHING. I pray that I will one day be able to continue this legacy of good communication in my home and family.

#4 The Importance of Living an Organized Life

God has enable my mom to live an orderly life, and run an orderly home in reflection of who He is ? an orderly God. She has taught me how to live my life in the same way: keeping things simple and organized. This has enabled me to keep my life relatively stress free and peaceful. I also believe that learning to live an organized life has enabled me honor God by being a good steward of the life He?s given me.

#5 To Strive for God?s Best in All of Life

My mom wants her life to be ?more than fine.? She wants to live in obedience to God in every area of life, and she can?t stand it when something in her life doesn?t measure up to God?s best. Seeing her example in this area has really helped me fight my complacency in many areas of life, and desire God?s best, in order to be pleasing to Him.

#6 The Importance of Wisdom

My mom has taught me the value of wisdom in every area of life. She has shown me the importance of asking God what He thinks about things, and living accordingly. She has encouraged me to read the Proverbs and ask God for His wisdom daily. I see God?s wisdom in her life everyday, and desire to become more like her; the wisest person I know.

#7 The Value of a Personal Relationship with God

Ever since I was little, my mom has encouraged me to spend time with God, reading my Bible and praying. She has stressed that the most important thing in my life is my relationship with Him. As I?ve grown, I?ve seen how this diligence to seek God has deepened my relationship with Him and has grown me to become more like Him. I am so thankful for the example that my mom has been of seeking God diligently and putting her relationship of Him first in all of life.

#8 The Value of Being a Home-Maker

My mom is a stay-at-home-mom, a wife and mother, a home-maker. My whole life, she has made a cozy, peaceful home for us to live in. She has taken the time to teach her kids about God and life, and has never been too busy with work or other pursuits. I have come to realize that her dedication to her home and family has been the main thing that has enabled our family to thrive. Through her example I see that her job as wife and mother is crucial to the health of our family. Thanks to her, I am excited to one day follow in her steps and be a home-maker in my own home.

#9 The Value of Being a ?Helper?

When I say ?Helper?, I am referring to the wife?s role as ?Helper? to her husband. My mom has taught me that the wife?s job in marriage is to be the ?crown of her husband? ? to help her husband grow and become all that God desires for him to be. God has graciously enabled my mom to be a wonderful helper to my dad, and I am excited to one day be the same for my future husband.

#10 The Importance of Fearing God

Last, but definitely not least, I would say that my mom has taught me to fear God, and surrender my will to Him in all things. I have seen my mom surrender her will to God?s will time and time again. She has suffered through much pain and hard times, but she has always chosen to cling to God and obey Him. Her fear of God, and her desire to glorify Him even when it causes her pain, has enabled her to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God than many Christians experience. Her life has shown me the benefits of fearing God above all else, and I desire for my life to be characterized by the same humble attitude of fear and surrender.


About Carey Green

radical follower of Christ, husband, dad, writer, blogger, podcaster, marriage & family coach, counselor, speaker, retiring Pastor, and all around good guy (because of Christ). Connect with Carey on Google+


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