Monday, January 30, 2012


There are a few bits of language and bodily expression that I'd like to discuss with everyone. If you have ideas for phrases you think would be fun, cute, snobby, or otherwise then please leave a comment with the phrase and we'll see about making it part of the RP.

So this world has common phrases that are used by all races to express exasperation, anger, sadness, indifference, happiness and awe as well as a few bodily expressions that are used in association with said emotional states. These are not written in stone and the words within may be altered somewhat depending on how the individual was raised but the basic meaning of each phrase is universal and understood by all no matter how subtly the words may change from person to person.

(And just in case nobody notices, each race is quite heavy on the beliefs in the Divines which is why the Gods are such a common mentioning in these phrases. The degree to which your character's believe is up to you, but remember that the Divines are real immortal peoples who live in the Realm of the Divines which is basically another physical plane that they have isolated themselves in)


"Heaven's above!" - used primarily when heavily irritated
"Dear Divines..." - used when exhausted and facing another sudden crisis
Bodily Expressions: One shoulder sometimes slumps to one side, feet sometimes will tap unconsciously, and pacing becomes frequent at times of rest


"Gods protect you because I won't!" - Typical phrase when yelling at someone who has thoroughly ticked you off
"Your thoughts are not your own..." - This is pretty much the ultimate insult and slap to to the face to anyone of any race. This phrase means that there is no real thought within the mind of the accused and that any thoughts they do have were given to them by another. Insulting one's intelligence is the ultimate verbal offense in Dragons of Etherea because each race prides itself separately, though at the same time universally, for educating their people on their respective culture, history, language and social skills. Be careful with this one because if you say it to the wrong person you'll find yourself on the wrong end of a blade or worse.
Bodily Expressions: (Anger is expressed in so many ways that it is almost pointless to list the common features but here we go anyway) Teeth become bared and the jaw tightens (used more commonly among Merfolk and Jumentai due to their animal side), fists become clenched and the arms flex indicating a possible confrontation, Avoidance and silence become common in the behavior of the individual and are typically directed only at the perpetrator


"The skies weep tears to compliment my own" - This is common when the loss of someone you hold dear is still a fresh and recent tragedy in your life. Basically this phrase means that your heart still weeps and that you are still in a somewhat vulnerable and fragile state and wish to be given sufficient space to grieve.
"Time is cruel and so is life" - Pretty self explanatory, but still. Basically it means that you feel your time and life are being wasted. This can be interpreted as regret, bitterness, being tormented, or straight up in suppressed agony.
"The Divines seem to delight in my misery" - When sadness comes around more than what seems is fair, this is a very common phrase. Usually this means that you have experienced tragedy after tragedy, be if losing loved ones or simply never getting a break from bad luck overshadowing your very existence.
Bodily Expressions: Head is slightly forward and eyes look down often, silence becomes very prominent in social behavior, forced smiles and laughter, separation becomes common such as sitting at the edge of camp when everyone else is around the fire.


There are no real spoken phrases that convey indifference to others. Instead the body language is the largest indicator of someone's detachment from what's going on around them. Common occurrences are such things as silence without the typical evasion that comes with anger and too without the desire for prolonged separation as with sadness. No real laughter at jokes and typically the body is relaxed and off guard depending on the individual.


"Divines smile on you." - Typically said in greeting to someone of familiarity or one of family, however it can also be used when speaking to someone who has just given you a gift or who saved your life in some way
"May the Gods guide your steps with honor and pride." - More formal, typically directed towards a superior or to an elder
"*Insert name of God/Goddess* watch over you." - Usually said when addressing a friend who holds a more powerful belief in a particular Divine
Bodily Expressions: Happiness can be felt from some distance away given the smile and the light footed nature that comes with it. Typically one who is happy will walk with a more brisk step and a light hearted expression on their face. Happiness comes in many forms, as we all know, and so for each individual the outward signs are slightly different.


michael oher marist glenn miller marco scutaro south carolina primary results betty white ed reed

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