Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 18 June 2012

Greek octopus forms coalition with dolphin's genitals

Comparisons with Greek politicians' attempts to form a coalition would be in poor taste - but an unlikely coupling has been spotted in the Ionian Sea

Climate panel adopts controversial 'grey' evidence

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has decided to impose geographical quotas on its authors, and to rely more on non-peer-reviewed "grey literature"

Hawking and rap make science hip (hop)

Scientists and hackers become rock stars at Seattle Science Festival, where cosmologist Stephen Hawking shares the stage with rapper Baba Brinkman

Secret US spaceplane shows China the future

China is celebrating the docking of its Shenzhou-9 spacecraft with the Tiangong-1 orbiting lab - but a mysterious US spaceplane is far more advanced

What the golden ratio sounds like

Watch a video that converts the famous mathematical constant to music in honour of Phi day

Rio+20 conference suffers lack of leadership

Devoid of world leaders and without headline-grabbing treaties to sign, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro is not looking promising

Japan prepares to switch nuclear reactors back on

Despite the partial meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi plant, Japan looks set to restart its power stations

Space mirrors will dry out US and Eurasia

Installing huge mirrors in space could reverse global warming, but at a price: the Americas and northern Eurasia will receive less rain

Wet supercomputer closes in on top of the flops

Lawrence Livermore's Sequoia BlueGene may be the the fastest, but the fourth-place supercomputer is far more interesting - and efficient

How much cheating is alright?

We're all prone to dishonesty, says Dan Ariely, but to avoid another financial meltdown, bankers really need to learn from the psychology of cheating

Tablet PCs preserve indigenous knowledge

Tablet computers could help villagers in the Kalahari desert preserve cultural knowledge and traditional techniques for future generations

Daydream your way to creativity

Concentration is overrated. Psychologists are finding that if you let your mind wander it may well stumble upon better ideas, says Richard Fisher

How to convince climate sceptics to be pro-environment

Converting climate-change sceptics is futile, but you can persuade them to take action anyway by focusing on social benefits, not environmental consequences

Gut bugs confined to quarters by special immune cells

Bacteria that are beneficial in the gut can cause problems in other tissues - a class of immune cells keeps them from straying

Algorithm beats jigsaw-solving record

The speedy solver whizzed through 10,000 pieces in 24 hours - and could one day help piece together shredded documents or archaeological artefacts

Enterprise makes a voyage into history

See the atmospheric test vehicle for the space shuttle programme, captured as it floats to its final resting place

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