Friday, June 1, 2012

Life with Little Sidekicks: Priorities

Life with Little Sidekicks: Priorities


Ever since Brooklyn was born just over five years ago, my priorities in life have changed very drastically. I was 21 years old when Brooke was born. Up until I got pregnant, my idea of a fun weekend was going out (wearing a brand new outfit bought just for the occasion) to a bar, club, or house party to drink, dance and act carefree. Money wasn't an issue; neither was sleep. I could easily stay up until the wee hours, get 3-4 hours of sleep and get up and go to work. I worked full-time at daycare center, part-time as a manager at McDonald's, and went to school two evenings a week. My energy was endless. Even with little sleep, I excelled at each of my jobs and at school. I have no idea how I did it, but I did. And yeah, it was a lot of fun. And I have no regrets whatsoever.

But now, my priorities are so different. My idea of a fun weekend is spending time with my family. Playing board games, doing puzzles, building Lego creations with the girls. Running around in the back yard, taking the girls for bike rides, going on hikes, or to the park. Eating dinner together around our tiny kitchen table. Having pajama dance parties in the living room. Turning on Hockey Night in Canada and cheering for the Leafs even though we know they'll probably lose. Watching a movie and maybe?probably having a drink or two with Chris after the girls have gone to bed. Passing out half-way through the movie and never having a clue how it ends. Sure, I still go out on occasion to let loose with my friends... but not very often, probably only a few times a year. I am entitled to that. About 6 years ago, I really never would have imagined how much my life would change after having kids. But it is a lot of fun. And I have no regrets whatsoever.

When pregnant with Brooklyn, I told myself I wouldn't let being a Mom define me. I would keep the same friends, I would still go out on the weekends when I could. That first little while as a Mom I probably spent more time going out with friends on the weekend than I should have, and I regret it a little bit. But that's okay. You live, you learn. Soon I realized that I would much rather stay home and hang out with my beautiful baby and her Daddy, and get lots more sleep! After that I learned pretty quickly that when you have kids and your friends don't (or, sometimes they do), and you start turning down invitations to the bar, often times you drift apart and talk much less. Some may stop talking to you entirely. This used to keep me awake at night but I have come to realize that many people are not meant to be in your life forever; friendships come and go. Some last a long time, and many don't. And that's okay too. The important and meaningful ones are usually the ones that last.

As much as I told myself it would never happen, having kids has entirely changed my life. But I am so, so happy with how it has changed.?Some people I know that have kids are still going out nearly every weekend, drinking, dancing, doing appalling and shameful things that a grown adult really shouldn't be doing... but whatever. It doesn't really make sense to me, but who am I to judge how others waste?spend their time? I just do my best to separate myself and my family from people that are obviously negative influences.?

All I know is this: Chris is out of the house for 11 hours a day five days (and sometimes six days) a week; our time together is precious. Never, ever in our lives will we regret spending too much time with each other or with our kids. We absolutely love spending time together as family. It is so fulfilling and so satisfying... I can't even describe how happy it makes us.?Yes, sometimes I feel like I need a break from my kids - I am with them nearly all day every day, and it can be really hard on me (and them!).?Usually even just going out for a half hour to pick up milk and bread is enough to get myself out of a funk... especially when I walk in the door and two brown-haired, blue-eyed beauties come running to greet me with toothy grins and open arms. It makes it all worth it.

My family is my number one priority. I am so, so thankful for the life I have. I may not have a huge house or lots of expensive things. I may be able to count the friends I can depend on and trust with one hand. I may only spend my time and energy on a few people who return that same compassion, caring and honesty with me. But all of this is a trade-off because I am so rich in love. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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