Monday, February 27, 2012

Bored and looking to do a few requests.

Eh... after spending all day not finishing much of anything art-wise, sure, requesting stuff from someone else sounds nice. xD I don't have anything specific I want though, so you can draw whoever ye fancy, if anyone at all.

There's the snark flirtster, self-proclaimed sexy-pants.
The grouchy hardass black guy.
The colorful gullible alien girl.
The ancient bird failing miserably at fitting into modern times.
Ahhhm, I have more ref for each buddy, I think, scattered about in OOC threads. I can fetch 'em if necessary.

As with all requestees, YOU ARE LOVELY! Keep drawin'. :) <3 (Also, teach me how to color like that lovely second one, urrrgh...!)


julian beever appeasement ian stewart ian stewart odom colt mccoy vt

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