Saturday, February 25, 2012

The BRAD BLOG : Previously Legal WI Voters Turned Away at Polls ...

"Previously Legal WI Voters Turned Away at Polls Tuesday as GOP's New Photo ID Restrictions Begin"
(14 Responses so far...)

COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
... hardline said on 2/23/2012 @ 3:41 pm PT...

If you're not smart enough to get a valid I.D. and carry it to the polls then you have no business voting. The issues typically voted on are far more complex than the process of obtaining a picture I.D. Those that advocate for easy, non-verifiable voter registration desire ignorant voters, and rampant fraud, enabling big money to infleuence outcomes rather than allowing well thought out ideas to florish.

COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
... Madison VOICES said on 2/23/2012 @ 5:00 pm PT...

hardhead (or whatever) above is being disengenuous at best - no surprise that he wants to make this about some type of voter "test". The party he probably supports in Wisconsin literally stole money from the widows and orphans of solders who gave their lives serving our nation.

Walker's aides, with walker's help, stole money from a support group to pay for walker's website and take vacations in exotic place with their homosexual live-in boyfriend. Even worse, the 2 had gay child porn on their computers!

For the latest in fitzwalkerstan antics, please visit our Web or new blog and tv channel.

You may have seen this, the husband of walker's lieutenant governor whom I have personally seen drunk and staggering into the assembly chamber to vote (illegal in Wisconsin) is committing vote fraud himself!

Must see video

Too bad the above commentator won't apply the same standards to the other side - he thinks voters need to pass a phony IQ test by jumping through hoops to participate in our democracy and most-likely supports repugs voting while drunk on major bills (in this case, it was the mining bill!)

Keep up the good work on election fraud.

COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
... Mike Leon said on 2/23/2012 @ 5:19 pm PT...

Now, a federal complaint need not make a facial challenge to Wisconsin's voter obstruction (voter impersonation as you point out) law. See Brennan Center: "future (federal) challenges to voter laws must be filed with respect to the application of a specific law?after its controversial mandates are already applied in an election,"

This law is so blatantly unonstitutional that I think even the corrupt 4-3 majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court will have to enjoin the law as voting in Wisconsin is extremely well-protected under Wisconsin Constitutional law, upholding law would cause them to look even more foolish than they do now.

So, in both state and federal court, we are looking good.

As for Hardline's comment, I suggest you read up on the difference between voter registration and poll ID requirements. If I may suggest:

COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
... tmm said on 2/23/2012 @ 5:25 pm PT...

LOL @ hardline's comments.

"Rampant fraud"!

Where? In the deluded fantasyland where ACORN got Obama elected?

And those "complex issues"! Hilarious - you do realize it's a pres primary? "Which of these clowns do I hate least" is not complex to most of us.

How does the "big money" bit have anything to do w/ turning away legal voters who've voted for decades? Weere you looking for a Citizens United thread?

COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
... Big Dan said on 2/23/2012 @ 6:00 pm PT...


Comment #1 says only smart people should vote. I guess that leaves him out, because he misspelled "influence" and "flourish", and furthermore probably has spell checker.

COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
... Ernest A. Canning said on 2/23/2012 @ 6:08 pm PT...

hardline @1 wrote:

If you're not smart enough to get a valid I.D. and carry it to the polls then you have no business voting

Fact: Intelligence has nothing to do with it.

In its federal lawsuit challenging the WI photo ID law, the ACLU identified six categories of WI residents who lack the requisite form of photo ID mandated by the statute and who face severe, and at times, impossible burdens.

This included 84-year old Ruthelle Frank, who voted in every election since 1948 and was a member of the Brokaw Village Board but cannot get the GOP approved official state photo ID.

She was born at home, without a birth certificate, and will be forced to pay $20 to get one in order to get her supposedly "free" ID to vote. But even that may not be enough. Frank recently learned she may not be able to comply with the state GOP's Photo ID restriction unless she coughs up upwards of $200 to amend the Register of Deeds record of her home, which had misspelled her maiden name.

Hardline writes:

Those that advocate for easy, non-verifiable voter registration desire...rampant voter fraud.

Fact: There is only one form of "voter fraud" that can be prevented by polling place photo ID laws --- in person impersonation. That form of "voter fraud" is virtually non-existent.

As Loyola Law Prof. Justice Levitt noted in written testimony before the U.S. Senate, since 2000, there were "nine allegations of votes [in general elections] that might have involved votes cast by individuals impersonating others," but those nine may be the result of "poll worker error or voter confusion...During the same period, 400 million votes were cast...Even assuming that each of the nine votes were fraudulent, that amounts to a relevant fraud rate of 0.000002 percent. Americans are struck and killed by lightning more often."

Polling place photo ID has been pushed by Republicans, like convicted felon Charlie White, for one reason only. Photo ID will have a disparate impact on the right for minorities, the poor and the elderly to vote --- that is on those who are not likely to vote for the Party of the One Percent aka the GOP.

COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
... Soul Rebel said on 2/23/2012 @ 8:57 pm PT...

The Voter ID laws are a new tax!

Hopefully the people like the Veteran pictured will - if they were (R) - realize that the (R) serve nobody but the ultra-rich and their corporate masters. The (R) could do themselves in over this...everybody'll know somebody who gets caught up in this.

COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
... novenator said on 2/24/2012 @ 3:56 am PT...

Conservative politicians hate democracy, and are doing everything in their power to suppress it.

COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
... Dredd said on 2/24/2012 @ 4:14 am PT...

Indiana is no newcomer to sneaky snake laws.

Indiana Congressional District 9 snaked through parts of 20 counties before the 2010 census.

Can you imagine contesting a House election where you had to contest it in portions of 20 counties, or deal with the precincts in portions of 20 counties (I need the voting records of only parts of 20 county election clerks)?

And that is not the worst part of the debacle.

My guess is that Indiana politicians will try to make their gerrymandering worse, not better.

COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
... WDRussell said on 2/24/2012 @ 5:50 am PT...

These states are telling people that they have to prove themself innocent of voter fraud.
That goes against the most basic section of our judicial system.
A person is NEVER required to prove themself innocent.

COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
... donn witherspoon said on 2/24/2012 @ 7:45 am PT...

I have been in VA hospitals on and off for over 30 years. I have met multiple veterans who cannot drive due to wounds received in service. To deny a veteran with a government issued valid ID just shows that the Republicans know they cannot win a a fair election. So they do all they can to remove the folks that would vote against them. It is a shame any veteran is treated this way. I wonder how many Republican legislators that voted for this are veterans.

COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
... Seb Stenjem said on 2/24/2012 @ 8:26 am PT...

Another thing that should be remembered. The DMV, where one can get an ID, was not required to tell you that your ID would be free. Instead, if you failed to check the box, they then charged you for it. And they also closed DMV offices or at least reduced the hours of operation.
They have allowed a few more ID forms, but it's still a very select few. This suprising they let this group slip. MANY of them support the spoiled little Rich boys. Maybe they think corporate $ and redistricting will be enough?

COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
... Dredd said on 2/24/2012 @ 8:40 am PT...

Wisconsin's District 3 goes through all or part of 20 counties.

WI is no piker at gerrymandering or vote suppression.

COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
... JerryW said on 2/24/2012 @ 10:13 am PT...

This vet chose to make an issue of the VA card. He had a valid drivers license and wouldn't use it. It was his way of getting 15 minutes of fame.


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