Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Obesity in children ? the parents are responsible for weight gain in ...

The increasing rate of diagnosis of adult diseases in younger and younger children to the attention of the medical profession is brought is, parents and schools, a crisis that is happening increasingly over the children in many parts of the world.

While all the blame on the parents before, the problem is actually an accumulation of changes in lifestyle that has led to many of the new priorities of each family and their daily lives.

How it worksImpact on the market today the average family

You even remember the term "stay at home"? Half a century ago was the normal two-parent families.

The woman and the mother stayed at home, did all the cooking and cleaning educate, and discipline the children, many times, he managed to repair the house inside and out, in fact, it often has the brains behind the whole house and yard. Normally, the father every day, morning and made me ready to go to work everyTomorrow.

Later in the evening, then returned home to a well-organized machine, oiled and smoothly functioning, commonly known as the average household size. Sunday, the day of rest, the man and the rest of the family for church and church socials where the Man has received all the credit for which the left "and dream of a perfect family home."

Fast forward a decade or two, and changed the world. Many women began to work out-of-the-house, usually only for a few hoursFirst day. But with time and experience, now has a wife and mother to a second family income.

While many women love this passage in the work world, she still faces the dual role of home care, and now the children to work.

Often the deciding factor was the need for his wife's work. The regular prices of all products rose. Housing costs, food prices, education and travel expenses ? you get ? an income can not stretch farlonger sufficient.

Time and experience at work also led to more responsibilities for the female. The hours were long at work, the position with the company became more sophisticated, but the income of women was not always in step with the new tasks of the job.

Women were now in the workforce than their own boss. The business card is now printed in his own name, but another man.

Lifestyle had to change constantly come up with new prioritiesFamily.

As the family transition, but this is how the outside world. Family Time outdated, no longer eating hours were lost cooking from scratch is gone. The "new world" was on the microwave, fast food restaurants and drive-in based processed, packaged foods and premixed, ready-meals and. Even with this added convenience, however, had almost never ate dinner at home with his family around the table.

Each family member nowwas necessary to provide for themselves ? usually 2-3 meals per day.

Environmental factors contributing to obesity descent

Since the typical family changed, so was our room. Small family farms were sold to large companies and corporations. Agriculture, when the crop was plant or animal, had become a company. A new set of rules, such as time and size of operation increases created. Environmental factors had become a problem for the typicalFamily.

Environmental factors are divided into three main components. Each of them, although most people pay little or no attention to them, the real impact not only the health of your children, but all adult and child "health of the fetus is affected in many ways every day.

GMO ? genetically modified organisms is a long time the imagination of man than trying to change the "garden seeds" through research, just to get the best properties in a defined annual harvest. Thistranslate into higher yields, faster growth rates, weed and bug control is reduced and so on.

Changes in DNA are injected right into each seed, so that the harvest is more finished product to a faster growth. Probably more food produced in smaller amounts of time. Sometimes you might actually get two crops (instead of one) from the same growing season. Then there was the advantage they need fewer chemicals to control pests and error of the season so the use of chemicals wouldsignificantly reduced, thereby cutting costs.

All this sounds so good, right?

Changing the nature of its built-in commands, if they have a prize for the human body. All of these mutations in the DNA is facilitated by the restructuring actual molecular components of each color. The introduction of the mutated genes is constantly tested by independent research institutes such as the real business of marketing genetically modified seeds has never been evidence of human studies extended or continuousto use.

Independent researchers, although their results suggest, they show a lot of deterrence with increased toxicity to the human body. Changes in our metabolism is to increase the rate of obesity, digestive disorders and food allergies, were the dangers in the unborn fetus and newborn, increased toxicity, which reported found the brain, muscles, joints and many other organs and directions in the human body.

Vaccines ? routine vaccinations may be an unusual thing, soundleads to obesity in children, but many of the chemicals contained in certain types of vaccines that show increased health risks, one of those who are gaining weight.
Pesticides and chemical contamination ? not all the seeds on the market today are GM varieties. But planted many of these "old varieties" of seeds and harvested with the use of huge quantities of pesticides and herbicides in the growth phase of the agricultural holding. These cans do not percolateFood for the creation of a toxic buildup in our system, what more health problems.

So with the increasing lack of parental control over a child during the day are increasingly the factors into play, which lead to a continuous increase in the weight of the child. Some of the most common in a child's life:

easy access to junk food
Increasing the time with reduced activity because of television, computer and video games
reducing the family planned events, which allowssimple movement (exercise)
large advertising budgets and marketing campaigns shower children with advertising aimed directly at them
Peer pressure
Environmental factors

All these affect children every single day. Parents can easily and right to assume that they take responsibility for their child's life, but unfortunately in today's society there are many other factors that also contribute to a greater extent on the health of our retreat children.


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