Sunday, September 25, 2011

To Have a Choice (character sheets)

Name: Quade Ace Murireann
Sex: Male
Age: Ninteen
Role: Ghost Prince
Appearance: Quade stands at just under six feet tall and is honestly quite thin, but has't yet reached things on the more lanky side, he never really does much in the area of physical labor. Though, that's not to say he's weak or anything, but he's a Ghost, he doesn't really need rippling muscles or anything like that to strike fear into people's hearts. He has very pale skin, he really doesn't absorb much sunlight...He is translucent, how could he, really? But, um, yeah, pair his pale skin with light brown eyes that always seem to have some sort of something hiding in them and you get an interesting picture. His hair is brown and curly, it's short, not that he has much of a choice on it. He's a prince, he'll do whatever the hell his mother wants him to do with his hair. Quade has a fairly handsome face if you can get past the fact that he's a ghost. His eyes are expressive, his jaw is strong and his lips are full and always seem to be curled up into a smile. It's more than just him liking to smile, too, it's simply the shape of his lips. He likes to wear simple garments, a plain pair of pants and a tunic of some sort will suit him, though his favorite color is red, so he wears it a lot.

Personality: When you think, "ghost" the first thing that may come to mind is some sort of sneaky bastard, right? Well, that's not quite right, see, Quade loves to be seen, loves to be heard, loves to be noticed. He's often upset because he feels like people just look straight through him (which, well, they do. I mean, he's a ghost...) He's loud, boisterous and just so happens to love himself a good party. Ah, yes, and he loves the ladies. Heh, flirting is a fun way to pass the time, yeah? Really, give him any girl (except a dryad, like, he's not racist or anything but they kind of freak him him.) and he guaranties he can get them to notice him before long, and honestly, whether they'll admit it or not, most women are flattered when a ghost flirts with them, because, honestly, he could be in the bedroom of much more beautiful woman than them and they wouldn't even know it. That said, though, Quade really is a romantic at heart. He wants to find a queen to work with, serve and love for the rest of his life, he's actually willing to change for the right woman. He really is loving and he feels, so much more deeply than anyone would think a ghost could, which is weird to him, because every ghost he knows feels things as deeply as he does. Every word said to him has the ability to make or break his day, it doesn't matter if it's at simple as "hello" or as complex as, "by the gods why are ghosts so damned creepy" he takes it all to heart. Though, you know, he's just the type of person to turn around and grab a drink to wash away pain, he hasn't really learned to deal with it any other way.
What do you think about being able to choose your spouse: Quade loves the idea! Maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to end up with a gorgeous girl that actually doesn't think he's a creepy monster! Oh, and trust me, he's gonna try and get the most beautiful girl there, both inside and out.
History: As a child, Quade was extremely susceptible to illness, there were times when it was thought that the only heir to the throne would simply "fade out." His parents, fearing for his life, pretty much locked him away during the war, tried to get him well. They tried everything, from herbs, to magic, they even got one of their angelic friends to try and heal him, but nothing seemed to work. It didn't effect anyone as deeply as it did the queen, and she'd often spend long days by his bedside, trying to convince her son that he'd be okay, even if he was already fading. That taught him what truly make a beautiful woman, the kind that really cares and will never, ever give up on her loved ones just because it seems hopeless. Well, after years of nothing, one of the remedies the king and queen tried began to work, and their eight-year-old son started to get well! It was a joyous day and if the kingdom weren't in the middle of the war, they would've celebrated.

Sadly enough, though, the king was soon lost to that very war, and the very day before it's end, too. The queen and young prince mourned his loss for months never had Quade felt such pain, such hopelessness. His father was dead, killed by the hand of a vampire. He knew it just had to be, simply because very few nations actually had swords that could harm a ghost, the vampire kingdom was one of the few. Quade started to try and counteract his pain, but nothing seemed to work right, nothing made it feel better. He hated that. He couldn't bring the man back, so he'd simple have to learn to be the best king he could be in his absence. And while it's hard at times, it's all going to be worth it in the end.

    Quade actually hates the dark.
    Horses freak him out a little.
    He loves grapes.
    Though, he hates cheese.


taxi castle the hangover 2 sumo sumo fossil snoop dogg

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